all photos by Jacob Sutton
Ingrid Nelson photographed reflections of trees in puddles on the pavement, resulting in these wonderful magical images.
all images by Ingrid Nelson
After the enthousiastic response I got on my post about Amy Friend’s work, I had to take a look at Daniele Buetti’s work and devote a blogpost to it. (Thank you, Nel, for showing me this work!)
all photos by Daniele Buetti
“Through small deliberate interventions, I altered these vintage images, allowing light to pass through them. (After all, photographs are made possible with light.) In a literal and somewhat playful manner, I aimed to give the photographs back to the light, hence the title of the series, Daré alla Lucé, an Italian phrase used to describe the moment of birth.”
– Amy Friend
all photos by Amy Friend (source)
I’m sure all of you have looked up your own home as soon as google street view went on line, but there’s much more to be discovered than what your old pen pal’s house actually looked like! On 9-eyes you can find a collection of google street view’s most fascinating screenshots, collected by Jon Rafman. Some of these could really be considered art if only they were framed on the wall of a fancy gallery. (source)
About 5 years ago, when my interest in photography sparked, I was really into photo manipulations. Rosie Hardy, who posted a new manipulated self portrait on her flickr each day, was my biggest inspiration back then. (She inspired me to do photo manipulations myself, I posted them once here.) Once, she mentioned her own source of inspiration: the duo Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison. While I’ve outgrown the photo manipulation phase and became a fan of more realistic work, I’m still mesmerized with this couple’s magical work. See for yourself!
all photos by Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison
“Once upon a time there was a girl who had 7 invisible horses. People thought she was crazy and that she in fact had 7 imaginary horses, but this was not the case. When autumn came the girl spent a whole day washing all her clothes. She hung them on a string in her garden to let the gentle autumn sun dry them. Out of nowhere, a terrible storm came and its fiercefull winds grabbed a hold of all her clothes and all seven horses (authors note: since they are invisible they obviously didn’t weigh much). The girl was devestated and spent all autumn looking for each horse spread around the country, wrapped in her clothes. “
all photos by Ulrika Kestere
Filip Dujardin is my absolute favorite architecture photographer. Therefor, this week my favorite photos of mr. Dujardin. Today: my favorites out of his photomontages of several buildings, called ‘Fictions’.
Filip Dujardin is my absolute favorite architecture photographer. Therefor, this week my favorite photos of mr. Dujardin. Today: my favorites out of his photos of architecture and interior.
Usually I only post photos of young photographers, who aren’t that famous (yet). But today I’m making an exception for Tim Walker. His work is very different from what I usually share here (the scenery, the models, the clothes,…) but his dreamy photographs belong without a doubt to my favorites. I’m sure you al know his most famous work (like this one, this one, or these colorful cats), but I focused more on his recent creations and the archived photos that I didn’t know yet (and hopefully you don’t either). Here are my favorites! (Be prepared, because I have quite a few favorites…)
all photos by Tim Walker
Pakayla Biehn has made a series of paintings, based on double exposures by Alex Welsh, Marija Strajnic, Kendall Paulsen, Max Tomlinson, Chloe Aftel, Sabino Aguad, Jean-Pierre Guenec, Tamara Lichtenstein, Jeff Enlow and Tanya Prilukova. So pretty.
all paintings by pakayla biehn
all photos by Jeroen Mylle (and look at his enviable collection of vintage cameras!)
Mat Wiesniewski is a web developer from Brooklyn, who makes collages from fashion and beauty shots with natural landscapes. Be warned for a picture overload, because I couldn’t stop saving images to my inspiration folder when I was browsing his website.
Maria Aparicio Puentes, a Chilean architect, uses thread to add geometrical shapes to photographs. Mind blowing if you ask me.
Kevin Bauman started photographing abandoned buildings in Detroit during the mid 90’s. He was fascinated by the once wealthy areas where nowadays the abandoned large mansions are an example of the downfall of American cities. Redevelopment has started but seemed to stick to just a few neighborhoods and ignore the others, which are almost completely abandoned. Today, only 800 000 citizens live in Detroit, instead of the 2 million that once lived here. For more info, click here.
all photos by Kevin Bauman