AT HOME_ my home

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After all that teasing, I’m finally sharing the last post about my ikea x au pays des merveilles collab today!   As you may remember, I was sharing a house before, which had its perks, but after sharing homes for the past 7 years, I really felt the need for a place of my own.  So once I found a job, I kept an eye on the ads and after 6 months or so I finally found that dream place.  With a limited budget (I’m still only an intern after all) it wasn’t easy, but I managed to find a charming place in my old neighborhood of Zurenborg.

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INSIGHTS_ Paulien Herbots II

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It’s been over a year since I posted my first INSIGHTS blogpost, which featured the home my dear friend Paulien Herbots.  I’ve fallen in love with her interior more and more with every change she made, so I figured it was about time I paid her a second visit with my camera!  So, what’s changed?  A few items have been moved around, some furniture has been added while others have disappeared, even more plants have been added to the mix and let’s not forget about those stunning bedside lamps.  Handmade by her father (with a marble base!), these are surely the eye-catchers in her  bedroom.  Want to see for yourself what her interior looked like before, and read all about Paulien’s interior choices?  Head over here!

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INSIGHTS_ Adriaan Tas & Lien Peeters

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A little while ago I paid a visit to Adriaan Tas and Lien Peeters’ stunning home in Brussels.  Just like one of the previous Insights subjects, Adriaan and I met at Interieur Kortrijk, where he was presenting his shelving system Tschichold.  It’s hard not to love his work, so combined with a few teasers of their new home on the Instagram profile of his girlfriend Lien, I had more than enough reason to kindly ask if they wanted to share their home on this blog.

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INSIGHTS_ Julie Wijckmans

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If you’re on Pinterest, you might have come across today’s host Julie Wijckmans. This web designer is one of Belgium’s leading ladies on the inspirational platform, but she’s got many more talents than merely collecting pretty pictures on the internet. Julie is an interactive designer at Flemish newspaper De Standaard and runs her own label JW, for which she creates logos, visual identities and business cards and designs and codes websites. She lives in Antwerp with her boyfriend Thomas and on the weekend she loves to stroll over the market at the Theaterplein, to indulge in wafels van ons bomma (“Those waffles with frangipane are truly amazing!”) and bring home eucalyptus branches or a bouquet of flowers.

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INSIGHTS_ Sofie Vertongen

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Lately, everyone in our little country of Belgium has been falling for the epiphyte, and there’s only one person to blame. A few months ago, Sofie Vertongen started Phyt. a webshop for air plants, and it has been taking Belgium by storm.   After having seen a few pictures of Sofie’s beautiful apartment on instagram, I asked her if she wanted to share some thoughts on her home and let me photograph it. As it turns out, her interior was even more impressive in real life than what I had seen on instagram so far. No surprise, if you know that Sofie studied to be an interior designer.

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SUNDAZE_ Lies Mertens

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Sundaze is all about that Sunday feeling, with no obligations, only endless possibilities.  Whether your day off is on an actual Sunday or any other day of the week: everybody knows and loves that feeling.  In this topic, I document inspirational people on their day off.  How we spend the day is up to them, no obligations, remember?  Through this topic, I intend to see the city through their eyes, but also find out a little bit more about what drives this person in their daily life.  The first person to offer a peek into her life, is Lies Mertens, a 25 year old graphic designer and leather accessory designer located in Antwerp, but with a lot of love for travel.

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INSIGHTS_ Paulien Herbots

insights_ paulien by hannelore veelaert for au pays des merveilles

For this first edition of insights (besides the one covering my own bedroom), I’m offering you a peek into my dear friend Paulien Herbots’ home in Antwerp.  Whenever I set foot in her apartment, I feel just a tiny bit jealous, and I know I’m not the only one.  She managed to find herself an affordable apartment with lots of light and space, in a quiet street in the city center and with a green view.  Paulien has a knack for interior design and turned this apartment into a lovely home.  But that’s not the only reason why we love to visit her: she always treats her guests to the most delicious food and drinks.  This girl might be working as an architect, her real passion is food.  She not only loves to cook herself, but she also enjoys watching cooking shows, strolling through food markets, going out for coffee or treating herself to a delicious egg breakfast.

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