FRAGMENTS_ Muller Van Severen studio

FRAGMENTS_ muller van severen studio - Hannelore Veelaert for aupaysdesmerveillesblog

A few weeks ago, I got the chance to visit the studio of Muller Van Severen as part of the Collectible fair. This relatively new fair in the city of Brussels is dedicated to contemporary collectible design – a match made in heaven with the Belgian duo whose work balances on the fine line between art and design. Their studio is where Fien and Hannes, the couple behind Muller van Severen, design and make their work.  It’s filled with materials, tools and pieces, some of which are more finished than others.  Eye-catcher of the day was their Carpet blue/yellow, which would be presented at the Collectible Fair later that day. Similar to their first tapistry, also a collaboration with Ashtari Carpets, the design is based on a collage of Fien’s previous work as a photographer. As a long time fan (they first appeared on the blog here in 2015) I obviously couldn’t resist snapping a few photos of the Muller Van Severen studio and sharing them with you. Keep an eye on the blog though, as this was not the only inspiring visit I made thanks to Collectible

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FRAGMENTS_ Muller Van Severen

muller van severen - valerie traan - by hannelore veelaert-12

Ever since I first laid eyes on the work of Muller Van Severen, I’ve been a huge fan, so it’s no surprise that when their furniture was exhibited at gallery Valerie Traan, I visited  the expo no less than three times.  There’s just something so fascinating about the simple lines and combination of materials .  I initially photographed the exhibition for a guest post I was supposed to write in September (but I sadly didn’t have time to deliver it as I was drowning in my to do list), which also means that if you haven’t seen the expo, it’s now very much too late.  Sorry about getting your hopes up!  Nevertheless I still wanted to finish these photos and share the beauty that sprung from the minds of designer duo Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen.

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